Our baby is 2….and she shows it in true “terrible 2” fashion! Our DRAMA MAMMA! We had a Princess party at Inflatable Zone….she couldn’t not stop talking about “my princess party” She wanted to carry around her princess plates and napkins until it was time to P-A-R-T-Y!!! (which was several weeks away!) We invited her friends, planned for pizza, princess cake, jumping a a grand ole’ time! I think she KNEW it was all about her MORE than MASON did at her age! Maybe just a girl thing ;) The day came and she was more than ready to party…for a little bit at least. We arrived, her friends came and the bouncing began…for a bit until she spotted those darn princess plates and napkins which she played with for the majority of her party! Oh well, it’s her day and she was content doing what she wanted to do! Her friends had a blast jumping around! It was so fun watching the littles bounce and slide down the big slides! I think Mason was just as excited about her party as she was!!! He was such a great big brother helping her celebrate her day!
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Mason was right there in the mix and wanted to open ALL her gifts…good thing Madelyn didn’t mind :) She loved all her toys and played all day with them…and so did Mason :) After her party….SEVERAL of us came down with a HORRIBLE stomach flu that lasted for almost a week! It was awful. With everyone plus grandparents sick at ONE house…NO FUN! Cold and Flu season ADIOS!!!!!!!!
- DRAMA Queen
- Sucks her thumb
- Can take her brother down
- Has to pick out her own diaper…she used to HAVE to have one with Cookie Monster on it….but now she likes the one with Bert and Ernie on it!
- DagO and DogA are her fav’s! She loves watching Dora and Diego and has to carry around a Diego bag stuffed with all her fav toys in it: Dora doll, Minnie figurine, Ariel dive sticks, the list grows daily!
- Daddy calls her B, Mason calls her B too and Sister
- She went through a phase where she loved watching Tom and Jerry
- I call her a bag lady…she loves to pile all her toys into her grocery cart and stroll around the game room seeing how much she can fit into her cart.
- She LOVES her babies. She loves to feed them, rock them and sing Jesus Loves Me to them!
- She will STICKER you to death! She loves them and loves WEARING them on her BELLY. OR getting band-aids and giving herself fake boo boos!
- He favorite princesses are Ariel, Snow White and Cinderella. Ariel is by far her most favorite!
- She likes school doesn’t cry when I drop her off unlike her big bro did!
- Loves you to read her books, then she reads them back to you.
- She can count…not too far, but repeats when Mason counts
- She knows her colors: red, blue, green, orange, pink, yellow, green
- Loves to watch videos of herself and Mason.
- For the longest time would call the grandparents the opposite names….Called DD-Nanny and Nanny-DD and same with grandpa’s
- Loves Apple Juice and eats about ANYTHING :)
- Loves to pile toys in her bed and sleep with them…sometimes I think this wakes her up too early in the am…I try to limit, but she DEMANDS all her fav toys!
- Loves to wear her fav 3 pj’s: Minnie, Ariel, and Tinkerbell
She is such a mess, but a wonderful mess we love dearly! I am gearing her up for her BIG GIRL ROOM! I have purchased her bedding and am just needing to order her furniture!! I can’t believe we will be crib free here at our house…FOREVER…or until grandkids :)